An Article by Michel Kasper
Attending almost six years of filmschool I graduated with the Parkour-Film-Project ‘a Whole Group of Frogs’.
In it I tried to capture the true essence of Parkour – but I learnt so much more on the way.
“I Don’t think Parkour is meant to be defined, because when you define something, you put a limitation on it. And with a limitation on it, you can’t explore it’s full capabilities”
‘But how to capture the ‘true essence of Parkour and Freerunning then?’ I asked myself. The human kind longs for explanations and definitions that give us guidelines for the worldly game of life.
It’s how we create our world, how societies work, and how we are still searching for the smallest particles on earth, even though we thought we’ve found them a dozen times already.
Every culture needs something steady to hold on to.
So I offer you my attempt: ‘a Whole Group of Frogs’
A short introduction
I noticed, during the presentations of my video, people could relate even better to the video after I explained how and why I made it.
Here I’ll explain my intentions and reasons, trying to create a common ground with you, so that we then can educate people and get discussions going in order to improve what we have!
Although some things in this article might come across as a fact, it’s still my interpretation and my subjective opinion. It’s just to get across what my point is, and how I think we could make our world a better one.
My name is Michel Kasper, 27 years old, and I just graduated film school by making this video. I’ve been doing Parkour & Freerunning for 13 years now.
For the sake of clarity, I‘ll use the term Parkour, referring to both Parkour and Freerunning.
The problem
I’ve always been troubled by the general image which people have about Parkour.
Throughout the years I noticed that people have a misperception of what Parkour actually is.
The contrast between how people see us, and who we truly are, couldn’t be bigger.
Haven’t we all tried to explain to our friends and families what it means to us?
Some people know, to a certain extent, that it is important to us. But do they really know what we stand for?
I want people to not wonder any more why that one person always trains alone in the woods, jumping from one branch to another.
I want people to understand what our motives are.
I want people to feel how we feel.
I want to tell the story of everyone doing parkour out there.